>Well, amidst the whirlwind celebrations of the Queen of Blogdoms birthday, I found myself physically separated by some 12,ooo miles from the seat of the excitement.
To console myself, I decided to live it up and take my Swiss colleagues on the cook’s tour of Sydney.
We went to Benelong Point, site of the Sydney Opera House and saw
The Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Then we turned on the spot and saw
The Opera House.
As if that wasn’t enough, we strolled through
Circular Quay and around to the Rocks.
Having seen the Sydney Harbour foreshore and bought enough souvenirs to sink a battleship, I suggested that we should have a coffee. What better place to have a coffee and a piece of caramel slice than
Bondi Beach.
Afterwards, my colleagues left for Sydney Airport to head back to Europe. I returned to the city, had lunch with Paula and John,
two of our closest friends. Then, I headed back to the hotel and had dinner with my parents and someone who I haven’t seen in about 4 years,
my brother Matt.
This is just one of the delights that we could serve ourselves from the Seafood Buffet dinner that my generous father treated us all to.
On the plate you can see lobster king prawns, oysters, smoked salmon, and of course, ms. mac’s fave; balmain bugs.
Hope you had a great birthday my love. I certainly seemed to make the best of not being with you to celebrate it *feels dead guilty*.
Miss you Stella. Love ya heaps xxxx
>I want seafood buffet!
>Balmain bugs? They sound tasty *not*
and I am so loving this new and improved updating thing of yours!