>Almost got left behind…

>Well, as an update to my last entry, I guess you should know what happened directly after I made the pre-flight blog. What happened? Was it exciting? Did I miss the plane?

As a matter of fact I nearly did! You see, I was sitting there happily blogging n the Silver Kris Lounge at Singapore Airport and was keeping a close eye on the time till I would have to head off to my boarding gate. I finalised my post, shut down my pc (how bloody long does Windows 2000 take to shut down?) and headed out to make my way to gate F56. On the way out, I cast a seasoned traveller’s eye over the departure board that they generously provide in the lounge and much to my chagrin, the flight was announced as LAST CALL! Oh my God, I’d only been at the airport for SIX HOURS but I still needed to run across Changi Airport to get to my flight. What a bloody tosser!

Anyway, as always happens, the people on the moving walkway thought that they were at an amusement park and decided to block the path of the seasoned travellers. SInce I was lacking ms. mac’s Velo bell to announce my upcomingness, I used the male equivalent – a burly ” EXCUSE ME!” and like the Red Sea, the dawdlers parted before me.

I was still a bit freaked out as I rushed to the gate only to find that I needed to take off my jacket, unpack my laptop and blah blah blah to get through the X-ray inspection. Imagine my disappointment to get through all this and then find out that the boarding gate is full and the plane had not even begun boarding.

To finish off, I went straight to the doors clearly marked First / Raffles Class and immediately made my way to the forward door of the 747-400 where the gorgeous Singapore Airlines trolley dollies greeted me by name (how did they know?) and handed me a hot towel and a glass of champers – fabulous sweetie. As always, a total triumph.

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