>May I have the envelope please.
*pauses to build tension as the eagerly anticipated announcement is made*
….Jonathan….*crowd goes beserk*
Yes, lady and gentleman, I am pleased to announce that the wittiest and most amusing answer to yesterday’s What’s wrong with this picture quiz came from Jonathan of Whateva Sista! fame.
His entry “… because it’s a naked woman? As we know, naked women should not be allowed in public… Only naked men! But only the cute ones! ” grabbed the judges attention with its high camp sensibilities and typical cash in on the GaysTM and their amusing tendency to reject the female form as something a little bit icky.
Special mentions (in no particular order):
- Andi (There is a half drunk glass of beer on the first table! Who leaves beer? Not me that’s for sure!) Who indeed Andrea, who indeed?
- Gina ( The room is full of guys and yet there is a naked girl and beers left alone?????) Love the Gravatar pic too Gina.
- mrs b (perhaps the beer made her gassy and she let one rrrrrip??!?!) I hope not, that would be a shame to spoil the party.
- Karen (SHE’S NOT A “SHE” AT ALL! She’s a DUDE!) Ewwww! Thanks Karen, that’s another image relegated to my ‘private files’.
Thanks to all our contestants, but as The Kurgan in Highlander said “There can be only one!”
The pic was sent to me in an email and was titled Schwulenparty.jpg This is poingant because schwul is German for gay. Obviously, the originator of the email thought that the guys standing at the other end of the tent from the naked woman were exhibiting some homosexual tendencies. Jon managed to tune into that vibe (I wonder how??) and came up with his inspired answer.
The ACTUAL answer to the question is that there is a coffee cup in the foreground of the picture. What leather clad bikers (straight, gay or bi) are drinking coffee at a party irrespective of the clothing status of any nearby chicks?
Jon, keep an eye on your slot (mail not male) for your prize.
>[Claps for Jonathan!]
Hurray for the Gays(tm)!
>Yep. Congratulations. *storms off feeling dejected*
>I laughed audibly at your comment Andrea! Bravo!
OMG Me? Thank you!!
Really, just taking part was an honour, but to win… OMG!
Thank you sooo much mr.mac and I shall look forward to receiving my prize!
I shall think of you when I am popping those balls in my mouth!