>Or: Raising the bar in the shameless sucking-up stakes.
Oh my God!!! I have just been informed of a late breaking development here at the Go-Crazy Media Information Centre. The management has given me the pleasure, nay, honour of announcing the award of the inaugural “Go-Crazy Hun(g)k of the Month”TM
The award, which was created by order of Her Majesty, celebrates the spectacular efforts of one “special” individual every month, who is the embodiment of all things hun(g)ky and displays an inordinate amount of general all-round fabulousness.
So, without further ado, it gives me great pleasure to announce that the winner of the inaugural “Go-Crazy Hun(g)k of the Month”TM award is none other than the amazingly lovely, Mr. Jonathan from Whateva Sista!
*air kisses all round*
Mwwwaaahhh. Congratulations WS!. A thoroughly deserving recipient of this most prestigious of awards.
Ladies, and gentlemen, that’s all we have time for right now. Thanks for watching this paid telecast on behalf of Go-Crazy Enterprises. For the entire Go-Crazy team, this is mr. mac wishing you a wonderful and prosperous New Year.
As to the future and what’s next? Stay tuned…
(C) Go-Crazy Enterprises 2005
>And I thought that I’m the perfect crawler. I reckon, I’ll vote for you in the next nomination circle for Crawler of the Month™.
>hehe, I prefaced it by saying it was shameless! You can’t blame me for that!
>Shameless or not. You’ve beaten me and that sucks.
>I thank you for this meaningful award – I am very touched.
It has also been noted and will be remembered fondly at rating time this week!
>I bet you are ‘touched’ Jonathan………
Blimey, I check this morning and there are no posts, I come back at tea time and bloody nora, there’s a bunch of them!