>Well, I don’t know whose hat I shat in? Yesterday’s post was an absolute triumph (IMHO) and I got two lousy comments! *doesn’t count his own comment as an ACTUAL comment*.
What’s up with that. The hit counter is going up (albeit sloooowwwly) so there a handful of people coming by, but not a fucking sausage in the comment box- makes the whole Photoshopping for fun and profit *not an actual program or book* thing seem kind of pointless. Not even a nasty letter from someone about ripping off the abc.com logo on the pic.
Anyway, I guess I’ll just go back to the drawing board and see what I can come up with next time – like there’s any point…
BTW, Andi, I have created a world map with clickable links for the W.A.T.E.S thing. Will send you a test URL when it’s on the web – perhaps you’ll have a comment about it. *acknowledges Andi’s and ms. mac‘s tireless commenting committment*
>Do you wanna have a cry about it?
That’s what comes of not enough regular posting!
>Ahh ms. mac, your gift of encouragement has certainly been a blessing for us all.
Thank you.
>Uhhhh, I left a comment on the caption entry and no one ever answered back…..
I’m the only one that entered…
Does that mean I win!!!!!
>Yes but Nickle Annie, you failed to read the part of the post, where I said that cos I was pissed off at having my idea nicked, I wasn’t having a competition. However, you did enter, so…
CONGRATULATIONS, you may already be a winner.
>er…. knowing how completely useless I am with the computer and stuff, you send me directions that I can’t make heads nor tails of.
I guess G will have to have a look at it.
But I love commenting. In fact, I try to get to comment before the lovely Ms Mac but damn if she doesn’t always beat me to it. (as she stands and watches you publish said post and then rushes to comment!)
>I will use the age-old excuse about Bloglines not telling me that you had blogged!
Although, I read the post and at first I didn’t understand it as I have never seen this Lost programme you speak of. However after re-reading it, it appears it was hilarious!
Funniest Post Ever!
>The most hilarious aspect to this whole sorry tale Jon was your amusingly patronising comment.
I half expected that “your thoughts would be with my family at this difficult time.”
That reply has made up for the whole sorry Lost post (that I still don’t understand!)
>Uhhhhh I’d rather stay clear of any who looks like who humor, even if Stella is in a self-effacing mood.
btw – Craig, I still think that personality and Engineering wise .. you and I are lost twins… but we will find out for sure later in August, wont we?!