>I’m quite excited!

>Today, I had the fortune of attending the Sauber Formula 1 Team’s annual family day. Totally exciting for me because I’m right into the F1 and a chance to get anywhere near F1 machinery and drivers is a big deal for me.

I took a bunch of photos and here are some I wanted to share with you.

As always, it begins and ends with the car:

Sauber F1 Car

Then the boss of the team talks about the highs and lows:

Peter Sauber

Then we introduce the drivers:

The Team

Jacques was looking very fit. I always knew he was short, but was really surprised by his upper body size. I guess you need to have strong neck and shoulder muscles for this game:

1997 F1 World Champion

Felipe Massa also turned up. He was asked about what it was like to drive in Switzerland compared to the race track and he talked about sometimes travelling at 80 km/h and sometimes at 110 km/h. The man doing the interviewing said “but Felipe, the speed limits in Switzerland are 50, 80 and 120 km/h. When were you doing 110?” to which Massa replied “See there is always room to go faster.” Champagne Family Day banter!!!

Felipe Massa

JV’s manager, and the man credited (in some circles) with almost killing B.A.R, Craig Pollock was milling around at the back but nobody really noticed him.

Craig Pollock

and then the guys signed autographs (but only for Sauber Supporter Team Members).

Jacques Villeneuve

We looked at one of the cars from another angle:

Sauber F1 Car

and then I hit the Badi with the family.

All in all, a great day was had by all.

The End

7 thoughts on “>I’m quite excited!

  1. >cars? er……….

    Dry as a bone.

    Johnny Depp?…………

    Moist knickers.

    Not that I’m telling you what posts turn me on or anything……..

  2. >I got a hard on looking at the car !!

  3. >Ew! Andrea, get a room!

    Craig, those cars were very pretty, but the drivers aren’t much to look at are they!

    I can confirm I am still flaccid, perhaps if I could see some closeups of the drivers in action?

    Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  4. >Thanks guys. It’s nice to see that you still care.

    Unfortunately Andi, I’m not into pimping out Monsieur Depp so the gusset will have to be moistened by other means.

    G, I spent the whole time there with a stiffy.

    Jon, thanks for the b’day wishes. I couldn’t find any opportunities to show you the drivers in “action” but rest assured, I’m always looking out for you.

  5. >er…. Mr Mac?……. are you out there?

    I can visibly see your rating slipping…

    We need a post and we need it NOW!

  6. >btw Happy (belated) Birthday Mate !

    you ever going to post again??

  7. >*cough*

    How about some more of you taking pictures of fashion disasters you have seen on the streets? That was an amazing idea, and is underused currently!