>On Monday, I took the lovely wife and children to Germany for our monthly shopping trip. This is a must since we cannot bear to be screwed by the outrageous prices here in Switzerland that one must pay for groceries and food.
Blah blah, we shopped and had lunch and then came home. The End.
However, whilst we were there I bought ms.mac the present of her dreams! Even though her blog is pink, she has a penchant for all things red. I decided to oblige here in the best way a husband can. No, no, we did that later. I’m talking about the most romantic gift of all – the gift of suction (which should actually go wife to husband but that doesn’t fit the post.)
Here before you. I present ms. mac’s latest red acquisition:
This should keep the little lady occupied whilst I’m out drinking and carousing till all hours of the day and night. Have you ever seen anything more awesome?
I, for one, cannot wait for her to use the full 1800 Watts!
Mmmmm Suction *cums*
>You romantic devil! Does it get any better than this?
>There is nothing more horny that a new cleaning product/apparatus!
You spoil her mr.mac, you really do!
>Will MsMac also pose for European Playboy in a French maid’s uniform as the ex-wife of Le Pen (boss of the National Front) did after he made certain comments?
>Oh, yes please!
>I still like my bright yellow Dyson.
Mr Mac – you are a very thoughtful man.