>This just in from the Urban Guerilla Photgrapher / Blogger:
Whilst waiting for young master James to get off his plane on Wednesday, this abomination was spied trundling his baggage through the arrivals area.
The question on everyone’s lips is of course: What shop even sells pink denim in mens (or even adult) sizes?
I swear that the “dress-sense” of some people boggles the mind!!
*wonders if there are any specific rules relating to the amount of pink denim you are allowed to bring into Switzerland with you?*
Who’s looking after the no-fly list at his departure point?
>If I recall correctly he was also wearing a tie. Dear oh dear.
>Thanks ms. mac, your powers of observation are admirable.
>I hope you won’t be taking a picture of me and George as we enter the airport meeting place thingy……
Coz we will look like shit though wearing the latest fashion trends of course!
>I’m so looking forward to the heavily illustrated Mac Fashion Extra™ posting. Superiority in creating and not in debasing is the thing, mate. Inspire, liberate, innovate.
>gomad, I respect you very much, and your exortation to inspire, liberate and innovate is admirable, but your stance on pink jeans???
Besides, I prefer to be a sardonic observer instead of an active participant. The one time I put myself out there for fashion judgement, I was not edified to the extent I required. My posts are simply a knee-jerk reaction to that lack of support.
>I’m definitely Nazi about denim. I only wear and accept black or dark navy 501er (the ones I occasionally sport at the office were once dark navy). Anyway, men better distract form their legs. They are usually far to rachitic. They have to be covered, however, not in pink or anything similar screamy. In short: “I do not condone pink denim – regardless, if worn by men or women.”
>Are you sure it wasn’t a “Schlagersänger”? They’ve been known to dress like that
>Damn,,, I don’t have enough time to go to nastypinkjeansforguys.com and get my pair to wear for you all !!
>I am suprised that the authoritys havent taken his child off him for cruelty to retinas.
>Am I the only person who is *heart*ing those jeans!
These undercover fashion updates are great – Keep ‘em coming!
>Oh man – I want to know where I can get a pair for my boyfriend. But on second thought, maybe the man was just a bit late for the Zurich Street Parade and didn’t realize it!