>I’d buy that for a dollar!

>Hello and welcome to another apparel related post about a pair of shoes that we met today. I say that we met them because they really have a personality all of their own. Perhaps they’re designed to provide personalities to people who are sadly lacking.


Here are the offending articles. I declare that they are possibly the worst shoes I’ve ever seen. Bear in mind that I spent a large part of my career wearing a pair of white leather shoes and long white socks so I know ugly when I see it.

Can you imagine the kind of person that is wearing these bad boys? Far be it for me to be casting nasturtiums, but I think he/she may consider himself to be rather streetwise and a little bit gangsta. I could see Fred Durst in a pair of these in his next homemade porno.


I give these abominations a mr. mac hideousness rating of: -18 / 20043

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